Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Bars that Weren't mishaps....I guess they have to happen....right?
We had family coming over today and I asked Frank to pick out a cake he'd like...I wanted to try something new. Well, he picked out Paula Deen's Dreamy Chocolate Mousse Cake. What a cake! 6 layers of cake, chocolate mousse in between, then iced with an incredible chocolate icing. This cake is chocolate heaven! My cake didn't turn out as pretty as Paula's (of course)....but it was yummy!!! I encourage all you chocolate lovers out there to try this one, the mousse would be a delicious dessert by itself. I will definitely make this again....and hopefully it will be prettier the next time.

Oh yes, the mishap....let's call it the Bars that Weren't. It occurred to me that since several of my family members are diabetic, I should make a diabetic friendly dessert. Sounds like a nice idea right? So, at the last minute I start searching the web for diabetic desserts. Applesauce Spice Bars....that sounds lovely and I had all the incredients. I quickly whip them up and put them in the oven. Then, in comes our baby (21 year old senior at UGA for those that don't know me). She and her boyfriend are here for the day.

Baby: Mmmm, they smell really good, like Christmas
Me: I know, but its really strange that they didn't call for flour...yikes!!!!!

Yes, you guessed it! At the same time that I'm saying flour....I see 2 cups of flour in the ingredients list! How could I have missed it! The bars were....well, they weren't bars and they weren't very yummy! Oh well, I do have grapes. :)
(I will be trying these again...and next time I'll remember the flour.)

After all went home, it was time to do the cinnamon rolls for work tomorrow. I make my cinnamon rolls out of sourdough. My sourdough starter, Bob the Blob, has been in my possession since February. He makes some great bread! Anyway, I made my dough this morning and it rose all day. So, tonight I just have to make the rolls and let them rise all night. I'll cook them in the morning and take them into work still hot.

To make the rolls, I mix the same dough up as I would if I were making bread. I divide into thirds. Roll each third out into a rectangle and spread with butter, cinnamon, brown sugar, raisins and walnuts. Roll up into a log and slice. I made some cream cheese icing to top these with after they cook. Here they are, ready to rise:

And just for kicks, here's a picture of Frank, Blake (aforementioned boyfriend), and Jessi (aforementioned baby).
Too bad we didn't see our son this weekend....Tyson, are you reading this? :)


T.J. Freeman Jr. said...

um, yeah... that chocolate cake looks to die for!!!

I bet the "mistake" would have been fairly low carb, no? :)


Amy said...

That cake looks soooo good! I think you need to invite Derek and I over for dinner and dessert one night (hint hint), lol! And yes, I do wear my aprons - I do have a couple of vintage ones that I don't wear bc I don't want to mess them up.

Nicole said...

How come the chocolate cake didn't make it to work? I'm sure TJ would have brought me some if it had. You definately need to make it again for fellow employees wifes. LOL If you do have Derek and Amy over you can invite us too :) hint hint Anyway it looked delicious and so do those cinnamon rolls. You rock Nancy!!!

Unknown said...

I have got to have some cinnamon rolls next time I come home. And, you'll have to redo the diabetes bars (plus flour). They were... gooey. I love you!