Saturday, October 4, 2008

My Grandmother's Rocking Chair

Have you ever had a project that seemed to take forever to finish? Well, let me tell you about mine. Twenty-one years ago, that's right - 21 years ago, my mother gave me a rocking chair that had belonged to my dad's mother. I know it was 21 years ago because my daughter was a baby and I needed a rocking chair. The chair was already old and not very stable. So, I got the bright idea that I would refinish it. I stripped it, I took it apart, and then I...STOPPED! I never refinished it or put it back together. We have moved this chair (in pieces) many times and to multiple states. Every time my husband saw it, he would say "Would you please just throw it away!". I certainly would not! I've held onto those pieces this long, why would I give up now?

This weekend we decided to do some much needed cleaning out. As part of this, we had some things to move that I couldn't help lift. We called Tyson and he said he'd come Saturday morning to help. Well, one thing led to another and Tyson said he'd help me get the chair finished. He is very good with wood and has some expertise in refinishing. I was overjoyed. Frank, darling hubby, was of course skeptical. Anyway, this project isn't finished but the chair is already in fewer pieces! I am so excited about doing this. The picture is Tyson working on it. It took some time for him to figure out exactly how it went together...especially since he was about one when I took it apart.

I have another mother's mother's rocking chair. This one had broken rockers and my mom had gotten someone to make new ones. Tyson looked at it and said I'd be better off if he made me some, since those were not done very well. So, that will be our next project. (At least I haven't had this one as long as the other.)
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